Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Update on James

It seems like forever since I last went out with James, although it was only Friday night. What's that? Four days. Not much, but it seems like a long, long time. Weird.

He's been texting me every day, which is kind of nice, but also a bit of a cop-out as you don't have to say much, you can't say much, via SMS. But today James sent me a text saying that he wants to take me away this weekend - to a hotel in Sussex. I guess I'll be swapping some shifts with Suze because that's an offer a girl just can't refuse.

But I'm also planning a little surprise for him...

Wait and see.


Networkchic said...

Texting is sort of emotionless, no strings sort of communication. It's quick and easy...make him work harder for you.

WDKY said...

Sussex as in Brighton?

And I don't want to wait. I want to know about the surprise NOW!

Anonymous said...

Texting is not cool. Whatever happened to using the phone? Are his fingers broken?

Have fun in Sussex! But find out why he doesn't call.... :)

Kate B. said...

nwc - it is, isn't it? Maybe I'll just refuse to text back and see how quickly he jumps... :-)
Doc - Sussex is lovely, although I'm not sure about cool. Depends on your perception of the word I suppose. He does get points though, although I guess it depends exactly what he has in mind...:-)
wdky - sorry, but you'll have to wait. Otherwise it would just ruin the surprise.
nypc - It's a peculiar form of British male laziness. I think it's more to do with a freeze on the vocal cords than broken fingers. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Does James know the blog exists? Or any other people who you are writing about? It is a bit surreal that we should know so much about your life and your semi-inner thoughts... Or that the people in your life should have such an exposure to a world-wide audience.

But excellent theme for a cult book... :-)

You were asking what I am doing now that I left investment banking... Well I do consultancy, and research... far less money but more freedom to do what I want to do.

Kate B. said...

doc, that remains to be seen... check back here on Sunday and I'll tell you all about it.

hi Tom, James doesn't know this blog exists nor will he if I have anything to do with it - I don't think he'd be too pleased. I get the sense he's kind of private.
My closest friends know about it, some of them even read it (although none of you ever leave comments, do you, you big pink girls blouses), but I'm careful not to use their real names. It is a strange environment, the blog, but it is an incredible means of communication - you can be free to say whatever you want due to the anonymity. Better than therapy anyway, and much cheaper! Re. investment wanking - are you much happier now you've taken the leap?
It would be an excellent theme for a cult book, wouldn't it? Maybe that's the niche I've been looking for...

positronic said...

If there can be cliffhangers in blogging, this post ends with one. Sunday will be as painful to wait for as KillBill2 was. Read your previous post as well. Working behind the bar is hard. It might sound simple, but it gets complicated around 10:30 on a Saturday night. I can't even order drinks on Saturday nights. If you lasted 2 years behind the bar in a West End club, and still going strong, you have bar superpowers.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I take a girl away to somewhere nice we never end up together. Whenever I slum it with a girl and spend the time doing cool, simple things we always get it together. That whole weekend away thing is crap - be real, get dirty in an urban landscape!

Anonymous said...

Good to use different names, but safest would be to tell nobody (not even the closest friends) about the blog to significantly reduce risk of leaks. But it is unlikely that one of your people will get to the blog by chance.

I am probably happier outside investment banker. Anyway I am more of the intellectual entrepreneur with science PhD from a Top uni.

Speaking about your cult book... How about this theme?

People brainstorm on their life experiences to take decisions. The mechanism is that you become conscious of several ideas, you debate them internally, and take a decision.

In a sense, the blog is really an extension of this mechanism. All the people who give comments are now part of your brainstorming process. The cool thing is that there is no effective difference between the idea somehow generated by your brain or written by someone on your blog. You think of both and take a decision based on both.

So in a sense you can view blogs as a way to tune into someone's brain or to let others tune into your brain.

A fascinatig consequence is that suddenly the blog might exert control of your thinking. For example, if all comments go along the line "Dont go on this weekend with James", the consistency and multiplicity of the idea will strongly impact your decision... This sounds terrifying but probably as terrifying as asking where do the ideas generated from your brain come form...

And the really cool thing is that the theme I just described is really an idea you have right now. Which you might reject or keep thinking about it.

OK. I am now tuning out of your brain. Good nite :-)

Chav Mum said...

A surprise for James?

OH NO!!! Your too young, take it from an expert mum like me. :(

TJ said...

Well, call it wild optimism on my part, but I'm hoping that your surprise for James is that while he's sitting in a hotel room in Sussex, you'll have hopped on British Airways jet for a quick getaway to Philadelphia.

Or, maybe you just have another fabulously sexy outfit picked out for him to see you in again.

Lucky bastard... :)

WDKY said...

I suspect that was just a little optimistic, tj...

TJ said...

"Nothing venture, nothing win..." :)

positronic said...

I'd drink to that. If I could order a drink.

WDKY said...

Audere est facere (!)

TJ said...

"Sic itur astra..."

[thus we reach for the stars...]

WDKY said...

Oh sorry... it was "To dare is to do"...

NML/Natalie said...

Texting is shite. Technology has made us lazy! However, weekend away is very good. Why don't I meet men like this? ;-)